Opinion Sculpting

The most advanced SEO specialists are using opinion sculpting or opinion-shaping strategies in October 2024.

The Opinion Sculpting SEO technique first became apparent from Peter van der Graaf who is a Digital Strategist and known by many as the black hat godfather.

In our guide to opinion sculpting you will learn how to shape shape the way people think and act.

What is Opinion Sculpting?

Opinion Sculpting is the process of influencing or manipulating public opinion.

Using various marketing techniques you can change the beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of a group of people through SEO.

Opinion Sculpting is a common tactic used in political campaigns, marketing, and propaganda.

It is also known as public opinion shaping or social engineering and the advanced SEOs have started to utilize this strategy for brand building, search volume manipulation, and guiding visitors to their brands online.

Impact of Opinion Sculpting

The impact of opinion sculpting can be significant with most people’s opinions being influenced by the opinions of others around them.

A “Social Influence” can trigger people to adopt the beliefs of a group with most humans falling victim to a herd mentality.

People are more likely to enquire or purchase from a brand that is endorsed by others they identify with.

SEO case studies can shape a community into beliefs they might not have thought to be true, prior to large groups supporting the same message.

Opinion Sculpting Benefits

Here are several benefits to using opinion sculpting as part of your SEO strategy in October 2024:

  • Guide new customers to your brand
  • Influence key decision-makers
  • Shape public opinion
  • Create a positive brand SERP
  • Persuade visitors to convert
  • Enhance the online market share

How to Sculpt Opinions Online Via SEO?

Here are the steps to opinion sculpting with SEO techniques:

  1. Create several positive sentiment guest posts with the message you want to convey
  2. Raise the search volume of the keyphrase you want others to talk about
  3. Other SEOs with traditional keyword research and correlation content will write similar articles
  4. Manipulate the Google Autocomplete Search with the keyphrase showing
  5. Create VS comparison articles against competitors for brand-jacking traffic
  6. Create VS comparison videos and rank using the Video Veggie service
  7. Create VS comparison infographics and rank in Google Image search

Increased searches and a positive set of web page ranking can influence customers’ decisions on which brand or company they will use or purchase from.


The use of opinion shaping techniques can manipulate public opinion for better or worse.

It can be used to create positive changes in society or encourage people to think critically about their opinions.

The long-term implications could have disastrous effects on democracy.

Social engineering is influencing certain attitudes and is the most important SEO strategy for online reputation management services.

The opinion sculpting services can target the ideal client demographics and act as a confirmation bias to control the narrative and change the thoughts of many.