Building An Async-First Culture Is The Secret to Higher Profits in SEO and Digital Marketing

In the fast-paced world of SEO and digital marketing, time is a precious commodity.

Traditional methods of communication, characterised by frequent meetings and endless calls, often lead to inefficiencies and misunderstandings.

Adopting an async-first culture where asynchronous communication tools like Loom videos and emails are prioritised can revolutionise the way agencies operate.

This shift not only streamlines processes but also significantly boosts profitability.

In this article, we will explore how embracing an async-first approach can enhance productivity, improve client satisfaction, and ultimately drive higher profits for SEO and digital marketing agencies.

The Power of Direct Communication in Sales

Before we get started on the huge benefits on building an async-first culture I want readers to understand in some of my businesses I own, I absolutely love the power of building relationships – face to face or how picking up the phone can nurture more sales.

In many industries, there is undeniable value in face-to-face or direct communication.

I have always been a strong advocate for the power of personal interaction, recognising its vital role in building relationships and driving sales.

A dynamic sales team, skilled in phone communication, can effectively upsell services and forge connections that are harder to achieve through digital means alone.

The energy and immediacy of direct conversations can create trust and allow for a nuanced understanding of client needs.

However, while these methods excel in certain contexts, the fast-evolving landscape of SEO and digital marketing calls for a different approach.

In the SEO digital marketing niche, the asynchronous communication model offers distinct advantages that align perfectly with the demands of both the agency and its clients.

An async-first strategy is much better at providing clarity, efficiency, and scalability that traditional direct communications often struggle to match.

The Inefficiencies of Traditional Communication

There’s a reason fpr so many memes dedicated to ‘this meeting could have been an email.’

Asynchronous collaboration is key to building successful teams in SEO, especially if you have customers or virtual assistant staff in different timezones.

Frequent Meetings: The Hidden Cost of Time and Productivity

In traditional SEO and digital marketing agencies, frequent meetings are often the norm.

While these meetings are intended to foster communication and collaboration, they frequently become a significant drain on time and productivity.

The time spent scheduling, preparing for, and attending meetings can add up quickly, diverting attention from core tasks and strategic work.

This hidden cost can hamper the overall efficiency of an agency, limiting its ability to scale and meet client demands effectively.

Unproductive Conversations: How Calls Often Deviate from Core Topics

Phone calls, while useful for immediate interaction, often deviate from core topics.

It’s common for conversations to meander into unrelated areas, leading to unproductive discussions that consume valuable time.

These deviations can result in extended calls that do not contribute meaningfully to project progress or client satisfaction.

Such inefficiencies highlight the limitations of relying heavily on synchronous communication methods in a fast-paced digital environment.

Repetitive Explanations: The Inefficiency of Explaining the Same Things Multiple Times

Another significant drawback of traditional communication is the need for repetitive explanations.

Verbal interactions often require reiterating the same information to different stakeholders, leading to inconsistency and potential misunderstandings.

This repetition is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors and omissions.

By contrast, asynchronous communication methods, such as videos and emails, provide a consistent and reusable resource that ensures clarity and uniformity across all communications.

What is an Async-First Culture?

An async-first culture prioritises asynchronous communication over real-time interactions.

This means that information is shared and responded to at different times, allowing for thoughtful and comprehensive communication without the constraints of scheduling.

Asynchronous communication empowers team members and clients to engage with content at their own pace, reducing the pressure of immediate responses and enabling more deliberate and detailed exchanges.

Implementing an async-first approach relies on a variety of tools designed to facilitate clear and efficient communication. Here are the main async first interactions:

  • Loom videos are particularly effective, allowing teams to record and share detailed visual and verbal explanations that can be revisited as needed.
  • Emails remain a staple for structured and documented exchanges, providing a written record that can be referenced anytime.
  • Project management platforms like Trello or Asana.
  • Instant messaging apps like Slack or Whatsapp, which can be used for less urgent interactions that don’t require immediate responses.
  • Youtube videos are great to explain the what, why, who, when and how questions most customers want to know on a regular basis
  • Google sheets, docs and drive – these online platforms allow processes and systems to easily be recorded and shown publicly or privately

What Are The Benefits of An Async-First Business?

Adopting an async-first business offers numerous benefits that enhance both productivity and client satisfaction.

  • Client Convenience: Async communication allows clients to access information whenever it suits them, enhancing their experience and satisfaction. This flexibility accommodates different time zones and schedules, making it easier to collaborate globally.
  • Team Flexibility: Team members can manage their own time more effectively, working during their most productive hours without being tied to meeting schedules. This autonomy leads to higher job satisfaction and better work-life balance.
  • Focused Communication: By eliminating pointless conversations, async communication ensures that every interaction is purposeful and to the point. This focused approach saves time and increases productivity.
  • Consistent Messaging: Using tools like Loom videos and emails maintains a consistent message across all communications. Clients and team members receive the same information, reducing the risk of misunderstandings.
  • Documentation: Async methods create a clear, documented record of all communications. This documentation can be easily referenced in the future, providing clarity and accountability.
  • Virtual Assistants: Leveraging global talent through virtual assistants reduces staffing costs. These assistants can handle routine tasks, freeing up more experienced team members for strategic work.
  • Reduced Overheads: By cutting down on high Western wage expenses, agencies can allocate resources more efficiently, enhancing profitability and scalability.
  • Time Management: Async communication frees up time for core tasks and strategic work, enabling team members to focus on what truly matters. This efficient use of time boosts overall productivity.
  • Scalability: Handling more clients without a proportional increase in workload is achievable with async methods. This scalability allows agencies to grow without compromising service quality.
  • Revisitable Content: Clients can rewatch videos and reread emails as needed, ensuring they fully grasp the information. This revisitable content enhances understanding and reduces the need for repeated explanations.
  • Clear Explanations: Providing detailed, clear explanations via video or email ensures clients understand services and deliverables, leading to higher satisfaction and trust.
  • Clear Records: Documented communications minimise misunderstandings, as everything is recorded and can be reviewed. This clarity reduces the chances of errors and disputes.
  • Transparent Processes: Building trust through clear and consistent information sharing fosters strong client relationships. Transparency in communication processes enhances credibility and reliability.

Real-World Success Stories

Here are some examples of digital marketing agencies that have successfully adopted an Async-First Approach:

Local SEO Agency

Here shows the success story of a local SEO company who transitioned to async-first communication.

  • Overview: Local SEO agency transitioned to an async-first model to improve efficiency and client satisfaction.
  • Challenges: Initially faced difficulties with frequent meetings and repetitive explanations.
  • Solution: Implemented Loom videos and comprehensive email updates for client communication.
  • Results: Removed meeting times and long phonecalls, improved client understanding, and increased project completion rates by 30%.

Here is a testimonial that one of the biggest customers said:

The switch to async communication was a game-changer. I can access updates and explanations at my convenience, which fits perfectly with my busy schedule. The clarity and consistency have made a significant difference in our project outcomes.

Law Firm, Local SEO Client

The best part to the testimonial above is the law firm owner said during the transition “We will be looking to another search engine optimisation company if you dont attend our monthly zoom meetings”.

Full Service Marketing Agency

Here shows the success story of a full service marketing company who transitioned to async-first communication.

  • Overview: Full Service Marketing Agency embraced async communication to manage a growing client base.
  • Challenges: Struggled with coordinating schedules across different time zones.
  • Solution: Adopted project management tools (Google sheets) and asynchronous communication platforms (loom videos, whatsapp and email)
  • Results: Enhanced team collaboration, managed international clients more effectively, and boosted overall productivity by 40%.

Here is a testimonial from a large accountants firm in London, UK.

Using videos and emails for communication has eliminated misunderstandings. I appreciate being able to revisit content whenever needed. This approach has undoubtedly improved my experience with the agency.

Accountancy Practice, London

Link Building Agency

Here shows the success story of a link building company who transitioned to async-first communication.

  • Overview: UK link building agency sought to streamline operations and reduce overhead costs.
  • Challenges: High costs associated with frequent meetings and Western-based staff.
  • Solution: Leveraged virtual assistants and async tools to handle client interactions.
  • Results: Cut staffing costs by 25%, improved service delivery times, and maintained high client satisfaction levels.

Here is a testimonial from a big SEO agencies who focusses on affiliate websites and Ecommerce sites.

The async-first model has made collaborating with the agency seamless, despite the time zone differences. The transparency and thorough documentation have built a high level of trust and satisfaction.

Freelance SEO Agency, Birmingham

These success stories and testimonials illustrate the tangible benefits of adopting an async-first approach.

By leveraging asynchronous communication, agencies can enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and significantly improve client relationships, ultimately driving higher profits and sustained growth.

Practical Tips for Shifting to Async Communication

Here are practical steps to shift to an async-first communication company:

  • Assess Current Communication Practices: Evaluate how your agency currently communicates and identify pain points such as time-consuming meetings, repetitive explanations, and miscommunication.
  • Set Clear Expectations: Communicate the shift to async-first practices to your team and clients. Explain the benefits and set clear guidelines on how and when to use asynchronous communication tools.
  • Train Your Team: Provide training on using async tools effectively. Ensure everyone understands how to create and share Loom videos, manage emails, and utilise project management platforms.
  • Start Small: Begin by implementing async practices in specific areas or projects. Gradually expand as the team becomes more comfortable and proficient with the new communication style.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor the effectiveness of async communication. Gather feedback from team members and clients, and make necessary adjustments to improve the process.
  • Encourage Documentation: Promote the habit of documenting all communications. Encourage team members to summarise meetings, record important discussions, and maintain clear records.

By following these steps, leveraging the right tools, and adhering to best practices, your agency can successfully transition to an async-first culture.

This approach not only enhances efficiency and productivity but also fosters a more flexible and satisfying work environment for both team members and clients.


“Async first” emphasises clarity and convenience in communication.

Too many SEO agencies spend 50% of their expenses on pointless meetings, glossy reports and telephone calls to explain what, how, why and when they are going to do tasks.

Before I started this article I thought of these as being the title tags:

  • “Why Asynchronous Communication Could Be the Secret to Higher Profits in SEO and Digital Marketing”
  • “The Case for Ditching Meetings: How Async Communication Boosts SEO Agency Profits”
  • “Silent Success: How SEO Agencies Thrive with Asynchronous Communication”
  • “Rethink Client Interaction: Async Communication as the Key to Digital Marketing Profitability”
  • “No More Calls: How Asynchronous Communication Transforms SEO Agency Profit Margins”

If you are an SEO agency owner if you do not want to be “async first” then I hope at least you see the importance of time management.

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, embracing an async-first culture is not just a trend but a strategic move towards greater efficiency and profitability.

By implementing asynchronous communication, your agency can streamline operations, reduce costs, and deliver exceptional client experiences.

Now is the time to transition to an async-first approach, leveraging the power of modern communication tools to transform your business.

Make the shift today and unlock the full potential of your agency, driving higher profits and sustained growth in the competitive SEO and digital marketing industry.