Questions You Should Ask Lead Generation Companies

Choosing the right lead generation agency can be a game-changer for your business.

With countless options available, it’s essential to find the best lead generation agency that not only understands your industry but also delivers high-quality leads that convert into loyal customers.

To ensure you make the best choice, it’s crucial to ask the right questions to the lead generation companies.

This article provides a guide to the key questions you should ask lead generation companies before committing, helping you find a partner that aligns with your goals and maximises your return on investment.

What Lead Generation Channels Will Be Used?

The platforms and channels the lead generation company will use are key questions to understand.

Some lead generation companies specialise in email marketing, social media, PPC, or organic search engine optimisation leads.

The most common types of leads are:

  • PPC Leads
  • SEO Leads
  • Facebook Ads Leads
  • Content Marketing Leads
  • LinkedIn Leads
  • Email Marketing Leads
  • Display Advertising Leads
  • Affiliate Marketing Leads
  • Organic Social Media Leads
  • Influencer Marketing Leads
  • Google Ads Leads
  • Event Marketing Leads
  • Webinar Leads
  • Referral Program Leads
  • Native Advertising Leads
  • Video Marketing Leads
  • Direct Mail Leads
  • Podcast Advertising Leads
  • PR and Media Outreach Leads
  • Retargeting / Remarketing Leads

Ensure the channels align with where your audience is most active.

The different channels to generate leads can affect the lead price.

How Much Do Your Leads Cost?

The price and costs of the leads is the most important question to ask your lead generation agency.

Ask the lead gen company “What is the pricing structure for the leads you generate, and how does it vary based on lead quality and volume?”

Lead pricing can vary depending on several factors, including the industry, target audience, lead quality, and the volume of leads you require.

Typically, lead generation agencies may charge on a cost-per-lead (CPL) basis, with prices ranging from as low as £10 per lead to £500 or more for highly qualified leads in competitive markets.

It’s essential to discuss your budget and goals upfront, so the agency can tailor their pricing model to fit your needs.

Additionally, some agencies may offer discounts for bulk lead purchases or long-term contracts.

Understanding the pricing structure will help you gauge the potential return on investment and ensure transparency in your partnership.

What Metrics Do You Use to Measure Success?

Ask the lead generation company “What key performance indicators (KPIs) do you track to measure the success of your lead generation campaigns, and how do these metrics align with our business objectives?”

Effective lead generation requires a clear understanding of success metrics. The most important KPIs typically include conversion rates, cost per lead (CPL), and return on investment (ROI). These metrics help evaluate the quality of leads, the efficiency of the campaign, and the overall profitability.

A reliable lead generation agency should provide transparent reporting on these KPIs and tailor their approach to align with your specific business goals, ensuring that every lead generation effort contributes directly to your bottom line.

Regular updates and detailed reports are essential for tracking progress and making data-driven decisions.

What Industries and Niches Do You Specialise In?

Ask the lead gen agency “What industries and niches do you specialise in, and how do you tailor your lead generation strategies to meet the specific needs of businesses like ours?”.

It’s important to choose a lead generation agency that specialises in your industry or niche.

Professional lead generation agencies with expertise in your sector will have a deeper understanding of your target audience, market challenges, and competitive landscape.

They are more likely to have developed strategies that are specifically designed to generate high-quality leads in your industry.

When discussing with potential lead gen agencies, ask them to provide examples of how they have successfully tailored their approach for businesses similar to yours.

This specialisation not only increases the likelihood of better results but also ensures that the agency can adapt its strategies to meet your unique business needs.

What is Your Experience and Track Record?

Ask the lead generation agency “How much experience do you have in our industry, and can you provide case studies or testimonials that demonstrate your success in generating leads for businesses like ours?”.

When selecting a lead generation agency, it’s crucial to assess their experience in your specific industry.

An agency with a proven track record in your sector is more likely to understand the nuances of your market and deliver better results.

Ask for case studies or client testimonials that highlight their past successes with similar businesses.

This evidence will give you confidence in their ability to generate high-quality leads that match your target audience.

Additionally, understanding their history of client satisfaction and long-term relationships can further assure you of their capability to meet your lead generation goals.

What Are the Different Lead Generation Models You Offer?

Ask the lead gen companies, “What lead generation models do you offer, and how do they differ in terms of cost structure and risk?”.

Lead generation agencies typically offer several models, each with its own cost structure and risk profile. Here are some common models:

  • CPL (Cost Per Lead): You pay a fixed amount for each qualified lead delivered. This model is straightforward and low-risk, as you only pay for actual leads, but the cost per lead can vary depending on industry and lead quality.
  • Marketing Costs + Management Fee: In this model, you cover the marketing expenses (such as ad spend) and pay the agency a management fee for running the campaigns. This model provides transparency and flexibility but can be more expensive if not closely managed.
  • CPA (Cost Per Acquisition): You pay only when a lead converts into a paying customer. This performance-based model shifts more risk to the agency, but it can be costlier per acquisition compared to other models.
  • Commission-Based Lead Generation: The agency earns a commission based on the revenue generated from the leads they provide. This aligns the agency’s incentives with your sales performance, but it may result in higher overall costs. You pay based on the performance outcomes, such as conversions or revenue generated from the leads.
  • Pay Per Call: You pay for each phone call generated from your marketing efforts, typically used in industries where phone interactions are key.
  • Flat Fee or Retainer: You pay a fixed monthly fee for ongoing lead generation services, regardless of the number of leads generated.
  • Revenue Share: The agency takes a share of the revenue generated from leads or sales they produce.
  • Cost Per Thousand (CPM): You pay for impressions rather than leads, typically used in brand awareness campaigns.
  • Subscription-Based Lead Generation: You pay a regular subscription fee for access to a steady flow of leads or use of a lead generation platform.

These services offer various pricing structures and align with different business goals, allowing you to choose the model that best fits your needs.

Understanding these models helps you choose the one that best aligns with your budget, risk tolerance, and business goals. Each model has its pros and cons, so it’s important to discuss with the agency which one suits your needs best.

How Do You Tailor Strategies for B2B vs. B2C Markets?

Ask your lead generation company “How do you customise your lead generation strategies to effectively target and convert leads in B2B markets versus B2C markets?”.

B2B and B2C markets require distinct approaches due to differences in buyer behaviour, sales cycles, and decision-making processes.

For B2B, lead generation strategies often focus on building relationships with key decision-makers through targeted outbound efforts such as LinkedIn outreach, account-based marketing, and industry-specific content. The emphasis is on nurturing leads over longer sales cycles and providing in-depth, value-driven content that addresses specific business challenges.

In contrast, B2C strategies are typically more focused on high-volume inbound tactics designed to attract and convert a broader audience quickly. This might include social media advertising, email marketing, and content that is more consumer-oriented and emotionally engaging. The sales cycle in B2C is generally shorter, so the strategies aim to capture interest and drive immediate action.

An effective lead generation agency should demonstrate how they adjust their tactics to suit these different market dynamics, ensuring that their approach aligns with your business model and target audience for optimal results.

Do You Utilise Inbound or Outbound Strategies?

Ask your potential lead gen company, “Do you employ inbound or outbound lead generation strategies, and how do you decide which approach is best for our business?”.

A well-rounded lead generation agency should utilise both inbound and outbound strategies, depending on your business goals and target audience.

Inbound lead generation strategies focus on attracting potential customers through content marketing, SEO, social media, and email campaigns, which are effective for building long-term relationships and nurturing leads over time.

Outbound lead generation strategies, such as cold emailing, telemarketing, and direct outreach, are often used to proactively target specific prospects, making them ideal for generating immediate results or reaching niche markets.

The choice between inbound and outbound—or a combination of both—depends on factors like your industry, sales cycle, and the nature of your product or service. A good agency will assess your unique needs and recommend a tailored approach that optimises lead quality and conversion rates, ensuring that the strategy aligns with your overall marketing and sales objectives.

How Do You Qualify Leads?

Ask lead generation companies, “What process do you use to qualify leads, and how do you ensure that only high-quality, conversion-ready prospects are passed on to our sales team?”

Lead qualification is a critical step in ensuring that your sales team spends time on prospects with the highest likelihood of conversion.

A reputable lead generation agency will use a combination of criteria to qualify leads, such as demographic information, behaviour patterns, engagement levels, and explicit interest in your product or service.

They might utilise tools like lead scoring, where leads are ranked based on their fit and interest level, or employ automated systems that track interactions across various touchpoints.

The agency should also have a transparent process for filtering out unqualified leads, such as those who do not meet your target criteria or have shown minimal engagement.

This ensures that only the most promising leads are forwarded to your sales team, increasing efficiency and improving conversion rates. By understanding their lead qualification process, you can be confident that the leads you receive are truly worth pursuing.

Are the Leads You Provide Real-Time Leads?

Ask the lead generation companies “Do you provide real-time leads, and how quickly can I expect to receive them after they are generated?”

Provide real-time leads means you receive them immediately after they are generated.

This ensures that the leads are fresh and highly responsive, allowing your sales team to engage with prospects when their interest is at its peak.

Real-time leads increase the chances of conversion by minimising the delay between lead generation and follow-up.

This immediate delivery is particularly valuable in competitive markets where timing is crucial.

Are the Leads You Provide Exclusive Leads?

Ask the UK lead generators, “Are the leads you provide exclusive, or are they shared with other clients?”.

Many lead generators offer exclusive and non-exclusive leads, depending on your preference and budget.

Exclusive leads are provided solely to your business, ensuring you have the first and only opportunity to convert them. This can significantly increase your chances of closing a sale, as there is no competition from other companies.

On the other hand, non-exclusive leads are shared with multiple clients and typically come at a lower cost, but they may result in more competition.

Choosing the right option depends on your sales strategy and the level of competition in your industry.

What is Your Approach to Lead Nurturing?

Ask lead generation agencies, “How do you nurture leads throughout the buyer’s journey to ensure they remain engaged and are more likely to convert into customers?”

Effective lead nurturing is key to turning prospects into paying customers, especially in longer sales cycles.

A well-rounded lead generation agency will use a combination of strategies to keep leads engaged as they move through the buyer’s journey.

This might include personalised email campaigns, targeted content offers, and regular follow-ups that provide value and address the lead’s specific pain points.

They should segment leads based on where they are in the buying process—whether they are in the awareness, consideration, or decision stage—and tailor their communication accordingly. For example, leads in the consideration stage might receive case studies or product demos, while those closer to making a decision might be offered special promotions or direct contact with a sales representative.

The agency should also employ automated tools to ensure consistent and timely communication, helping to build trust and keep your brand top-of-mind. By maintaining engagement through these tactics, the agency can significantly increase the likelihood of conversion, ensuring that leads are nurtured until they are ready to make a purchase.

How Do You Ensure Compliance with UK Data Privacy Laws?

Ask lead gen companies, “What steps do you take to ensure compliance with UK data privacy laws, such as the Data Protection Act 2018, and how do you safeguard customer information in your lead generation processes?”

Compliance with UK data privacy laws, mainly the Data Protection Act 2018, is critical for any lead generation agency operating in the UK.

A responsible agency will implement strict data protection measures, including obtaining explicit consent from individuals before collecting or using their personal data. They should also ensure that their data handling practices align with the principles of transparency, data minimisation, and security as outlined in the legislation.

The lead gen agencies should regularly review and update their compliance practices to adhere to any changes in the law, conduct data protection impact assessments (DPIAs) where necessary, and offer clear channels for individuals to exercise their rights, such as accessing, correcting, or deleting their data.

By confirming these practices, you can be confident that the agency is generating leads and maintaining the highest data privacy and security standards in the UK.

What Kind of Support and Communication Can I Expect?

Ask the lead generation agencies “What level of support and communication can I expect from your agency, and how do you handle updates, support requests, and campaign adjustments?”.

Clear and consistent communication is crucial for a successful partnership with a lead generation agency.

You should expect regular updates on campaign performance, typically through weekly or monthly reports that provide insights into key metrics and progress. The agency should also offer a dedicated point of contact who is readily available to address any questions or concerns you might have.

In terms of support, the agency should have a structured process for handling support requests and making campaign adjustments as needed. This might include scheduled check-ins, proactive recommendations for optimising the campaign, and the flexibility to quickly respond to any changes in your business goals or market conditions.

By ensuring that there is a strong communication framework in place, you can maintain a collaborative relationship and achieve the best possible outcomes from your lead generation efforts.


Choosing the right lead generation strategy or provider is a strategic decision. By asking these must-ask questions, businesses can make informed decisions that align with their goals and maximise lead generation effectiveness.

Armed with these essential questions, you’re now better prepared to find a quality lead generation company that suits your needs and fosters a successful, long-term partnership.

Don’t hesitate to explore any additional concerns by crafting your own questions. When it comes to making an informed decision, there’s no such thing as asking too much.

Choosing the right lead generation agency hinges on asking the right questions and recognising the answers that matter. With the key points in this post, you’re now better equipped to select the ideal marketing partner.